Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Make, Bake and Decorate at the FunZen Bakery

One of my favorite things about the FunZen Bakery is that parents and kids--in fact anyone--can benefit from picking up our sweet treats to restore character and build confidence. However, our recipes aren’t locked away in a secret treasure chest. We love sharing everything on our menu…along with their very special ingredients and simple instructions for preparation.

You just need to Make, Bake and Decorate.

Make: up your mind to engage and take action.
Bake: to maintain the heat of your concentration power.
Decorate: and magically create your day, your way.

Today’s special treat will be a revitalizing exercise I call the “Morning Glory Cupcake.”

This short maxim basically means that when you look inward towards stillness, you will find your life lesson. Ignoring the inner stillness, and focusing on the storm around you, can cause you to miss out on a blessing. An incident that happened recently led to my stepping inside the FunZen Bakery to use this inspirational recipe myself.

Earlier this year, I received a tweet from a man who expressed disapproval with the idea of FunZen when I used it in conjunction with the Heraclitus quote, "Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play."

The man wasn't’ buying it. He firmly stated that, to him, "FunZen was just New Age mumbo jumbo..." At first, reading his tweet didn't’ just catch me off-guard; it stung me. My initial reaction was to feel insulted… But I took a mindful breath and centered and refocused myself. My inner samurai girl went from reactive to reflective as I reminded myself to choose to detach from negativity. I recalled my life lessons and past teachings which made his words empower me with self-love rather than hurt me emotionally. Getting mad would serve no purpose. I re-tweeted the man and explained that FunZen came from the mouth of a babe, my daughter Grace at 5 years old. It was her name for the breathing and centering exercises that we still practice together everyday.

After telling him about the origins of FunZen, the man said that he now had a new-found respect for it, and acknowledged its usefulness. By not sinking to his level of antagonism, I was able to bring him onboard. It was like a breath of fresh air to see my fellow tweep now shift his perspective. And by going within, and listening to my heart, I was able to make art and communicate with compassion when things seemed to be falling apart. It’s something we can all do: Rather than be reactive when life throws you a curve ball, use your spiritual perspective to gain insight and learn from the issue at hand.

Truly, you can reach the sweet spot of "blessed aha's" with an instant understanding when you are able to see a situation with new eyes. I see this all the time through the eyes of my daughter. FunZen has emerged as a professional tool for Grace as she continues to work as a voice-over artist, and it consistently ignites brilliant performances from within her.

There are many of these exercises on the menu here at the FunZen Bakery, and over time I will be sharing them with you. Some of the centering exercises that have worked like a charm to enable Grace to activate a happy-calm state of concentration are "The Miracle Diamond Lemon Bars,” “Mermaid Starfish Cookies” and “Angel food Cupcakes.”

In future blogs, we'll be serving up more "you-nique ingredients for the Magic of Mindful Living. I will detail each of these exercises (and many more!) so that others may gain the inner peace, courage and confidence that come from using them. At 12 years of age, Grace continues to use these "cool tools" while incorporating FunZen into her everyday life.

Now, let's roll up our sleeves, and take a mindful breath, as I offer you today’s special of the day from the FunZen Bakery--the “Morning Glory Cupcake.”

I find that it’s a holistic tune-up in the morning to start your day…or anytime you need some inspirational “food for thought.” It's all good. It's organic.

The Morning Glory Cupcake

Follow your heart in 3 quick steps as you Make, Bake and Decorate:

You can now tune in to the wisdom that always resides in your heart, enabling you to turn any obstacle into a learning opportunity. Thank you for joining us and engaging in today’s FunZen Bakery’s interactive recipe. We’re always here to Make, Bake and Decorate delicious little nuggets of fresh insights.

P.S. Look at the photo above, and guess who said this. "I have been teaching the art of fine baking for a long time!” Hint: She's a domestic goddess media mogul. Yes, kudos to Martha Stewart.


  1. I Love the way you speak to kids and adults from your ♥, Michiko! Good kid fun!

    Love to you for all you do!

  2. Thank you for the invitation to visit your blog! I stepped inside and was surprised and delighted! I had no expectations really and just loved this unexpected gift from you and your daughter! Feeling so honoured to see my quote gracing your beautiful page and my dear "Morning Glory" inspiring a cupcake and more! I am a child at heart and your blog speaks to my ever- living, ever-loving girlish heart!

  3. Michiko- another addition to the timeless philosophy
    of FunZen. I actually practiced the Morning Glory
    excercise just now! Thank you for showing how easy
    it can be to turn a negative into a FunZen opportunity!
    We can laugh at our egos and make -bake- and decorate our lives
    with Zenmagic in the fun zen bakery! Thank you, I will
    pass this on to my son and I can't wait for the next installment:)
    Thank you for sharing the recipes of Zen- in an easy way that really
    works! With respect, Rita Ross- creator/founder of The PocketPeople

  4. I love that my Mom can take hurtful words such as those and turn them into empowering words to take action. I love you! :)

    Ti Amo,
    Grace :)

  5. Grace, straight from my heart to your heart, Thank you for saying out of the blue "you teach FunZen". You are blessed with pixie power to remind all of us that Katharine Hepburn's words are true for you, "I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun." I love you more.

    Ti amo,
    mommy ♥

  6. Great job Michiko putting your Zen into action!! We are faced with choices every day and it's our reactions that make our life better! I will do your morning glory next time I feel a storm coming on!

  7. one of the many things lil mama has taught me in my life lessons is to merely shift my perspective and not over analyze things. a moment, is merely a moment. the moments that were hurtful experiences, i learned to acknowledge, cry and let go, the moments of vulnerability is how i learned a shattered heart has much more room to grow and build on. the stronger i continue to grow in all my successes, is only to share with others the blessings i've recieved in life so far. thank you lil mama for showing me no boundaries and sharing your gifts with us.
