LOL with the FunZen Girls (Grace and I)
Steve Jobs eloquently said: "People think
focus means saying
yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying
no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I'm actually as proud of the things we haven't done as the things I have done.
Innovation is saying '
no' to 1,000 things. Simple can be harder than complex:
You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains." Tibetan scholar, Robert Thurman noted that
Steve Jobs intuitively knew
"that simplicity is a zen idea." ☞ read more
"The greatest enemy we have is discouragement." Arianna Huffington
Welcome to part 3 of the Cupcake Warriorettes blog theme of simply: "staying cool under performance pressure." Before we jump in, I honestly struggled with writing this last blog. Recently I slipped into a whirlwind of constant busyness and felt caught up in the daily rounds of life, including computer glitches, non-stop telecoaching, and taking my daughter Grace (15 years of age) to more auditions and rehearsals than she's had in a while. Just because I effortlessly know how to meditate and practice momfulness doesn't mean that I don't deal with the daily rollercoaster of ups and downs. The only difference is that I choose to make art and practice "mindful breathing" when things are falling apart. Centering our spinning tea cup mind in our everyday lives can empower us to experience "Let's be zen, I am zen"; (a mantra I heard whispered from a teenage friend of Grace's when she was nervous about performing, and I also heard Hayden Panettiere repeat "I am zen" to re-focus on her television show, Nashville). I was thrilled to watch the self supporting power of this mantra "I am zen" help these ladies to move into the eye of the storm.
FunZen is how Grace describes making concentration fun to focus, and flow to find her "sweet spot". What has helped her can also empower anyone curious about tapping into their joyful way of play to stay out of their way. How we deal with the success stress of so much on our plate, yet still handling those inevitable emotional storms of frustration and rejection with divine redirection is possible for you too. Having the right approach, magic mood tools, and application is key. With this blog, you have access to courageously "Keep Calm and Sparkle On" confidently in the hustle and bustle of today's frantic pace. Remember, we got this, we're all in this together, and the best control is self control or effortless command of our body soul instrument.
Season 6, Cupcake Champions: ~Pixar- Brave.Jane-Marie Kane and asst. her Mom, Michele Kenno (in pic)
Cake Dreams, A Little Taste of Heaven website,
❤ iPhone pic
FunZen Girls quotable - "To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone
and a funnybone." Reba McEntire ❧
"Follow your heart, Taste the Bliss"
Stephanie Sparkles ❧
Season 6, Stephanie Sparkles (pic) and assistant Orion ~Vegan Bake-Off: How I did it:
Stephanie Sparkles, Founder of Bliss Cakes: See Marie Shriver's, Architects of Change, Resourcerer Tools and Tips:
☞read more... ❤
As mentioned in the last 2 blogs, I asked both Cupcake Wars winners: Stephanie Sparkles, and Jane-Marie Kane, for an interview with a few emails and phone chats. Stephanie strongly supported the idea of empowering our kids and parents to dream big and follow their hearts to taste bliss. What I noted and was inspired to share in this blog with loving non judgmental observation, is how overwhelmed and time pressured Stephanie sounded over the phone. However, I dutifully respect (Brava) both of these ladies commitment to the goals they've set and accomplished for themselves. I wholeheartedly believe that we can not only work hard and smart, but have ARTitude by keeping the art in smART, so we remain balanced with our foundation- roots of love and discipline yet lighthearted with wings of compassion and creativity.
The worrier to warrior approach for me was staying zencouraged instead of discouraged with so many unmet promises by both Stephanie and Jane-Marie, promising "I'll call you back, or email you to set up our interview." No matter what, I re-focused on the soul-ution, not the problem, reminding myself that this situation is happening for me, through me, not to me like a victim.
Being non-resistant helped me creatively handle the situation assertively by coming up with my spiritual law clause which simply honors our freedom of choice. I expressed this clause idea to a baker at Jane Marie's, Cake Dreams, who picked up the phone when I called back for my interview with Jane Marie. Our interview was cancelled at the very last minute. I calmly expressed, "we have a choice or free will to say 'No' without feeling guilty, and say 'YES' to more time to focus on what matters to us." My conversation ended harmoniously with the baker, who seemed to have an Aha moment. The "freedom of choice" clause inspiration was borrowed from the book title by Patti Breitman and Connie Hatch, "How to Say No without Feeling Guilty and Yes...", it was introduced in the first blog 'Cupcake Warriorettes' of this short series. At the time, repeating that book title sent an empowering message to my nervous system to activate pivoting from a worrier to warrior on the spot.
Remember, happiness neutralizes guilt, which means, everyday, randomly take a little sweet relief soul time to love yourself up by; taking a mindful breath, gingerly taking a sip of tea, drinking some delicious coffee, gazing at the sky, a flower, stars, and smiling for no reason. These simple acts zenergize our mind-body connection and polish our miracle diamond of mindfulness.
Consider this, shifting from a worrier to warrior in the present moment doesn't take more time, it's a decision you make and a choice you take to feel energized by your purpose. Just BEing Still, Smiling, and catching a Gratitude Breath wave changes your chemistry, gives you more energy, and helps you face the music and find your balance on pointe in the dance of life. Why? The diaphragmatic breathing releases self-healing endorphins which organically supports you to keep calm and carry onward. I urge you to take more sips of water (magic elixer) throughout the day to stay hydrated and mentally focused.
A mind calm like water, can weather any storm.

Aha Candy: With a little help from my awesome friends in the Twitterversity here's a feast of creative ideas to feed your spirit, nourish your soul and quiet your mind. By the way, "aha candy" gives you clarity not cavities, take as much as you like on your sweet spot escapade.
Jenuine's Superstar Soul Technique: To Shine Brilliantly at an audition
or showcase yourself in any way:

Take a moment to breathe deep and think of these things: The Universe arranged you to be in the position that you are in and you owe your success to no one person but to the Universe itself. When you speak your truth by performing, lead with your gratitude for the experience. Don't focus on the outcome. Focus on the moment. Stars shine in the moment. Visualize yourself as a brilliant star a million times brighter than our sun, Scrunch all that vibrant Light and Love into your physical body. As you perform, knowing that it is too big to not emanate out.
Know that the star that you are, is radiating in every direction and saturating everyone around you and beyond, with your fabulous presence.
@JenuineHealing ☞☞☞
visit her website.
Jen's Healing Tip: A hug is a form of Energy Healing.
Please join us in supporting Jenuine as a guest on
Ellen's show. FunZen girls hope to see her sharing her remarkable healing gifts with humanity and animals. Be A Part of the Show ☞
read more.
Carry Jonathon Fields EmpowHERing words reflecting the wisdom of self compassion in your heart's pocket:
"Be fierce with your time and generous with your heart. ❤ read more...
"There is no friend as loyal as a book." Ernest Hemingway
Zen and the Art of Reading Pointer: Press zen button to
Whoosh! Stop (in the name of love) Smile, and Breathe to Relax into the Precious Present. Release and clear out any emotional negativity,
let it go ahhhh. The magic Ki or Chi breath energy gives you the air power to build your endurance and "
I Got This" confidence. Simply practice Being available in the moment, with here and now focus, softly absorb and reflect on what you're reading from a pith quote up to 100 pages or more in a quiet sitting. (consider, art = practice) Perhaps today you only have time to catch a quote or tweet, which takes perhaps 10 seconds, work up to a 1 min. 5 min. 10min or more time. Seconds matter, did you know that there are 1000 milliseconds in one second? That's plenty of be here nowness to savor.
(Take root and keep your head to the sky; press your sit bones downward to feel grounded and gently press upward through your heavenly crown. As you gradually reach stillness, breathing naturally, at your pace of grace, allow the truth of the words to deeply touch you.)
Zenjoy inspiring quotes from my friends, tweethearts, Crissy
@crissybayless who loves Eckhart Tolle, and Raven
@JRavenHawk who is an earth angel
. ❧
"I believe in God, only I spell it Nature." Frank Lloyd Wright ❧
"Once you have made peace with the present moment, see what happens, what you can do or choose to do, or rather, what life does through you. There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness:
One with Life. Being one with life is being one with Now
. You then realize that you don't live your life, but life lives you.
Life is the dancer, and you are the dance." Eckhart Tolle ❧ more quotes click here
My friend, Mariel ❥
@MarielHemingway, may this magical
tweet uplift you to Restore Outer Order and Inner Calm: is so critical to a less stressful life How do we get there?
MAKE TIME 4 U...MAKE TIME TO BE STILL each day. ❤ ❤ ❤
For more Healthy Living from the Inside Out, Running with
Nature author's Mariel and Bobby (Williams),
click here to read more. And, Brava, celebrating Mariel's movie "Running from Crazy"
a new documentary with Academy Award-winning filmmaker Barbara Kopple, examining Mariel Hemingway's enlightening journey as she seeks greater clarity of her complex family history which includes mental illness, and suicide.
Click Here to order my Clear Your Mind Manual "Mental Fitness" Foreword by Leonard Cohen, endorsed by Louise Hay, Dan Millman, Richard Carlson, Iyanla Vanzant, Penney Peirce, Michael Beckwith, O.C. Smith and may more...
In Loving Appreciation and Lady Bug Hugs
FunZen Girls OX Michiko (lil mama) and Grace
Contact (805) 490-2391
Twitter: @zenmommie
Grace's website: